
Amber Flag

Liscarroll N.S. is passionate about the positive mental wellbeing of our students. We are very proud to have received two Amber flags in 2020 and 2021. Our Amber flag committee consists of student representatives from each class level also including a teacher and SNA to guide and support the children. We have run two themed weeks “Be your own kind of brave” and “Express Yourself”. We have completed activities such as yoga, art competitions, sensory workshops, danceathon, reading from an author, exercise activities, mindfulness colouring and class programmes and lessons based on mindfulness. 

“You spend most of your life inside your head. Make it a nice place to be”

Digital School

Here at Liscarroll National School we pride ourselves on being a digitally advanced school. The promotion of digital citizenship amongst our pupils is something we take great care in. We aim to teach our pupils the necessary skills to engage safely and effectively with online content. All pupils in our school have their own school email address which enables them to access educational based apps that Google has to offer at age appropriate stages. All classes within our school have an online platform using Google Classroom. This is used by teachers to communicate homework and facilitate online learning when necessary. We have a large array of equipment including a trolley of  28 Chromebook which enables pupils to participate in many different aspects of online learning including the creation of written pieces, research projects and educational games. This year we hope to apply for the New Digital Schools Award and look forward to applications opening for this. 

Green Flag

The Liscarroll National School Green Schools committee have been very busy down through the last few years. They have been working very hard to help improve the environment of our school. Each class throughout the school put two members forward to join the committee. 

Regular meetings are held and the committee relay what is discussed at the meetings to their classes and staff. The children get the opportunity to put forward ideas and plans to implement ways of achieving the Green Schools Flag.

To date the school has achieved five Green School Flags, these flags were for cutting down on litter and waste, saving energy, the reduction in the use of water, travel and the importance of biodiversity. 

The next goal is to achieve the flag for Global Citizenship - litter and waste.

There are very busy times ahead for Liscarroll School Green Schools committee pupils and staff.

Health Eating Club

We have started the process of updating and developing our whole school's positive approach to healthy eating. 

Two children from each class level represent their class during meetings and report back to their class.

Junior Infants - Max Madden & Ellen Rose Barrett

Junior Class - Tadhg O’ Connell

Senior Infants - Annie Mc Elligot & Leah O’ Connor

1st Class - Kai Gully & Anna Harpur

2nd & 3rd Class - Jenny Courtney, Rose Forrest & Ruby O’ Leary

3rd & 4th Class - Amber O’ Keeffe, Darragh Brosnan & Shane Mulcahy

Middle Class - Óisín Hassett

5th Class - Aidan Foley & Lily Rose Cronin

6th Class - Ronan Dillion & Micheál Enright

Senior Class - Kellie O’ Keeffe & Daniel O’ Sullivan

There are two teachers involved - Mrs. Maeve Murphy & Ms. Siobhán Walsh & two S.N.A.’s - Mrs. Anne Duffy & Ms. Rachel O’ Connell. 


S.T.E.M education focuses on the four areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. In our school we place a strong emphasis on the teaching and learning of science and maths along with other subjects in the curriculum. Children participate in science investigations and  hands-on maths and engineering challenges as well as completing presentations on chromebooks. Some of the themes we have engaged with  are climate change, plastic, food and electricity. All students are actively engaged in their learning while participating in the STEM curriculum. Students look forward to STEM class every week.

In 2019/2020 we received  a Certificate of STEM from Science Foundation Ireland in recognition of our school’s engagement with STEM activities in the senior classes.

Student Council

Liscarroll N.S. has a student council consisting of 19 members. This council is a representative structure for all students in the school. It provides children the opportunity to become involved in affairs of the school. Members of the student council communicate and consult with other members of the student body. The student council was created to benefit the school and give the children a voice. The student council has an  important input and gives feedback on items such as school tours, uniform, quizzes, healthy eating, code of discipline, anti- bullying and development of school rules. 

    Active School

'We are fun, we are cool, we are proud to be active in Lios Cearúill'

Liscarroll NS is an 'Active School'.

Our school believes that being active plays an important role in keeping our bodies and minds healthy.

The Active School committee has 26 members including pupils, staff and a community representative.  The committee encourage plenty of activity in the school.  Pupils are yard leaders during breaktime.  

We have many acitivties planned during the year including, orienteering, walking & running challenges, learning on the go, yard discos led by students, active fun days, 'Active School Week' and much more.

There is an Active School noticeboard and a WOW wall in the school reception area.  We celebrate all sporting/active  achievements.