Archive 2023-2024

Donation to Liskennet Equine Therapy Centre

Instead of giving each other gifts at Christmas and at the end of the school year, the staff of Liscarroll NS, over the past few years, have made collections for local charities/good causes.  Some organisations that have benefitted from this collection are the local First Responders, Local Air Ambulance based in Dromtariffe and this years summer collection has been donated to Liskennet Equine Therapy Centre.  Our Lios Cúram classes have travelled to Liskennet, Co Limerick every month for many years to experience horse riding as a therapy.  The pupils love this trip and activity and look forward to it eagerly.  We are indebted to the staff of Liskennet for their attention, professionalism and kindness to our pupils.  

The 6th class also donated profits from their Junior Entrepreneur Project(JEP) and in total, a cheque for €886.60  was presented to David Doyle,(Manager).

Thanks to Sinéad Ducey(teacher) for organising this collection every Christmas & Easter.

Graduation Class 2024

We would like to wish all students leaving the school this year the very best of luck in their secondary school next year and in their future careers.

Raising Our Active School Flag

Tim O'Mahony, Cork senior hurler raises our Active School Flag

We were delighted to welcome Tim O'Mahony to the school to raise our Active School Flag.  Tim spoke to the pupils about the importance of exercise and to stick at it.  He presented all members of the Active School Committe with a certificate.  He also presented our principal, Derval Vaughan with the School Certificate.  We are proud of the work we have done over the past nine months and to be awarded the Active School flag.

Our Active School Committee delighted to finally hold the Active School flag.

 School Fun School Sports Day 2024

 We had a great day as always at our Fun School Sports Day.  We also had an ice-cream van  wwhich was a huge hit with pupils and staff.  Thanks to the local GAA club for allowing us to use their pitch.  Also to Colin O'Brien for co-ordinating on the day.

Click on photo carousels to see our pupils in action.

Click on the video to see more photos

Copy of Sports Day 2024.MOV

School Tours 2024

Have a browse through some of our school tour photos below.

Copy of 3rd Class School Tour 2024.MOV

Well done to all our pupils who participated in Cork City Sports.  We have three pupils who won their sprints and the girls relay came 3rd.  We are very proud of all our students who travelled and took part on the day.

Thanks to the SNAs and teachers for accompanying them and to the parents who came along to support.

Click on the photo here to see more photos.

Cork City Sports 2024

Best of luck to all the pupils representing Liscarroll NS at Cork City Sports.  A huge 'Thank You' to Esther Fitzpatrick from Liscarroll Athletic Club for coaching them.

Best of Luck everyone!

Ukelele Performances

3rd - 6th classes have just completed their ukelele lessons for this year.  

Play the videos below to hear their them.

4th Class Ukelele.MOV
5th Class Ukelele.MOV
3rd Class Ukelele.MOV
6th Class Ukelele.MOV

Well done to all our pupils and our Ukelele teacher on treating us to an afternoon of music.

Ball Wall in Action

Our ball wall being put to good use by 1st & 2nd class in preparation for their upcoming hurling blitz. Even on Pyjama Day, the pupils were using the hurling wall.

Exciting real life science project in our Junior Autism Class

The children In Mrs Crowley's Junior Autism class have been very busy for the past number of weeks. They have nurtured four little caterpillars all the way through the stages of the life cycle from their very own classroom! They began their journey as tiny caterpillars in a small jar. As they ate more, they grew more and when they had enough eaten, they spun themselves into a little cocoon called a chrysalis. There they stayed until this week when they emerged from their cocoons as beautiful butterflies. This week, the children released the butterflies back into the wild so that this very exciting life cycle can begin all over again.

The class are very proud of their project and would like to share it with everyone.

A special thanks to Mr. Cahill for for his help with the project and for making our lovely video below.


Official Opening of our Hurling/Handball Wall 

Launch of the 5th class, 

Heritage Keepers Book of Local History

A huge crowd of people from the Liscarroll community turned out for the official opening of our ball wall.  This was officially opened by Colin O'Brien, who is a past pupil and currently teaching in the school.   He recently captained Mary Immaculate College to win the Fitzgibbon cup.  He was accompanied on the day by All-Ireland handball winners who gave a display of handball on the ball wall.  Derval Vaughan, principal (centre) and Tim Brosnan  Chairperson of the Board of Management (far right), drove this project to its conclusion today.



The Crowd

We also celebrated  the launch of a book of local history researched and written by 5th class under the guidance of their teacher, Sarah O'Riordan.  Many local historians and landowners were invited in to the school to speak on all the places and events mentioned in the book.  Fifth class then visited all these sites. Alison Healy (past pupil) designed the cover and Eamon Collins was the official photographer for the book. All those that helped with the book along with the fifth class themselves, were presented a copy. The class worked tirelessly in conjuntion with 'The Burren Trust' to produce this wonderful publication.  Today, they sold their books for €8 each.  Mrs Vaughan, the principal, stated how proud she was of this wonderful class of pupils and praised them and their teacher for their tojan effort.

A big thanks must go to the staff and Parents Association who made sure everyone had a cup of tea.

Picture 1:   Sarah O'Riordan (class teacher)  getting a presentation of flowers .

Picture 2:  All the historians and landowners that helped with the research of the book.

Please click on this link to view the book:  

First Holy Communion Class 2024

A big congratulations to our second class on making their First Holy Communion.  They were expertly prepared for their very special day by teachers, Maeve Murphy, Rebecca Herlihy and SNA Joanne Casey.  

After the church celebration, all the families were invited back to the school for some light refreshments.  Thanks to the 1st class parents who organised this.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this celebration so memorable for the children and their families.

Active School Week 2024 - poster

Active School Week 2024

We have just hosted our Active School Week 2024.

It was a great hit with students and feedback from parents and staff was extremely positive.  

The Active School Committee arranged many activities that included 

'Wake up, Shake Up every morning in every class at 9am.  

Pupils did active homework each day and no other homework was assigned. 

Parents were sent a copy of the 'Active School Week' timetable.   

The rest of the timetable included the following:

Monday    -    Walk a Mile with a Smile in our local community (All classes)

Tuesday   -    Handball/Hurling/Tennis at the new ball wall (1st - 6th class & Senior Lios Cúram class).  Poly Spot games (Junior & Senior infants, Lios Cúram classes)

Wednesday  -  'Drop Everything and Dance' & Active Walkway Challenges (all classes) & Students v staff volleyball match 

Thursday  -   Obstacle course & Poly Spot/Hoola Hoop games

Friday       -    Dance Takeover Day (Zumba) & whole school 'Rock the Boat'

Click on photos to see more of what we got up to

To see more on Active School Week, go to our Physical Education/Active School page, you'll find it under the initiatives tab.

All-Ireland Champions visit Liscarroll NS

We were delighted to welcome our very own past pupil and current teacher in the school, Colin O'Brien as captain of the Fitzgibbon Cup winning team with Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

We also were fortunate to welcome two more past pupils, Jack Hennessy and Seán Dee who won the Under 14 All Ireland Handball final.

It was also our pleasure to welcome Michael Hedigan & Daniel Relihan who won the All Ireland Senior Men's Hanball final.  

We were delgihted that all these lads took time our of their busy day to visit us with their medals and cups and speak to answer some of our pupils' many questions.  

Congratulations to you all.

Primary Game 

Huge congratulations to Faye Buckey from 6th class who battled through two very tough trials to be selected on the Cork Primary Game Camogie team.  Faye is an outstanding sportsperson having won the Camogie Co Final Skills competition last year in 5th class. Eventhough we've had players who have made Cork Primary game teams previously, Faye is the first from our school to be selected for Camogie.  All the staff, pupils and wider school community are very proud of Faye's wonderful achievement.

Lios Cearúil & Corcaigh Abú!

Congratulations to our hamper winners!

Thank you to everyone for buying Easter hamper tickets. A special thank you to Mrs Finn and Aaron Palmer who did a great job organising the hampers and raffle.  

Donation of Children's Mental Health Books

Many thanks to Twohig's Super Valu Kanturk working in partnership with 'Read With Me- Children's Books and Activities' who have very kindly donated a bundle of books to our school for the children in the Juniors to 2nd class groups.  This is a very generous donation and we know that this mental health book bundle will be useful to the children in our school.

Seachtain na Gaeilge - St Patrick's Day Céilí

Click on photo to see more

Kieran Crowley (Local Author) Visits Our School

.........funded by the Creative Cluster and Writers in School Initiatives

We were delighted to welcome local author Kieran Crowley to our school as part of the Creative Cluster Initiative.  3rd, 4th & 6th classes read his novels and enjoyed them thoroughly.  They had lots of questions for him and gained a great insight into how to write a story.  Also thanks to Writer's in School for partially funding the visit along with Creative Cluster.

Best of luck to our local Handballers 

in All-Ireland Finals

Our second class made a best of luck poster for local handballers and past pupils who are competing in the All-Ireland handball Finals this weekend.

Best of Luck Lads!

World Book Day 2024

A big 'Thank you' to Mrs Murphy and second class for organising and running a 'Book Swap' in the halla on World Book Day.  The pupils dressed up as their favourite characters and brought books in to swap for other books.  It was a tremendous success.  Thanks to all who helped out in any way.

Click on the photos to see more.

Happy Mother's Day

Second class have some surprises for their mothers this week.  Hope you all have a lovely weekend and that your children are extra nice to all the Mammies on Sunday!

New Gym Mats

Our new gym mats for gymnastics have arrived and they are a bit hit with the pupils.  A big 'Thank You' to the Parents Association for funding this new set of PE equipment and supporting us in every way possible to be awarded the Active School Flag.

Wellbeing Week 

The Student Council raised €325 for Pieta House for Wellbeing week. 

Thank you to everyone for supporting us.

Zumba Dancing 

As part of Friendship Week in Liscarroll NS, the Student Council along with the Active School committee organised Zumba teacher Deirdre, to come and give a 30 minute Zumba session to every class.  Pupils and teachers danced, free-styled and even did some boxercise.  This was funded  by the Parents Association and we are very grateful.  Everybody loved it as you can see from the photos below.

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent, was historically used as a day to use up all surplus butter, eggs and milk in preparation for Lent.  A day to indulge before fasting begins!

Children from the entire school were treated to pancakes in the halla to mark the day. Special thanks to all our helpers!

Grandparents Day 2024

We were delighted to host Gandparents Day today, 12th February.  There was a great turn out of parents and grandparents.  Fr Leader led our prayer service and many pupils read poems and prayers.  All the children sang some songs and hymns they had prepared under the guidance of Christine O'Riordan and were accompanied on guitar by Nora O Riordan.

Our grandparents then enjoyed a chat and a cup of tea.  Some visited their grandchildren's classrooms and I believe one or two even took part in an art class.  Nana Tutu even came from America to see her granddaughter.  

A big thank you to all the staff that baked and supplied refreshments.

Garda John & Garda Search Dog 'Buddy'

Buddy is 6 years old and lives with Garda John.  He searches for money, firearms and drugs.  He is one of four Garda search dogs based in Munster and he works out of Cork. 

All the pupils enjoyed hearing how Garda John trained Buddy to be a search dog.  They listened to stories of different arrests and some interesting facts about cases they both worked on.  They even got to rub Buddy.

Thanks again to Garda John & Buddy for taking time out of their busy schedule to visit Liscarroll NS

Celebrating St Brigid's Day

Keeping the age old tradition of making St Brigid's crosses alive.

First Chess Team in Liscarroll National School 

History was made this week when Liscarroll National School entered its first chess tournament!!! Our team consisted of 7 boys and 1 girl from fifth and sixth class.  They brought home a certificate of excellence and we are very proud of them.

The tournament was hosted by Ballyhass N.S. on Friday 26th January 2024.  Over 100 children competed at Castlemagner Community Centre.  The Ficheall run tournament emphasises fair play and taking part. 

The benefits of chess are huge. Chess can:

 If you are interested in learning more about chess check out

Drumming Workshop

Patrick Naughton brought his 'Drumming' workshop to Liscarroll NS as part of the 

Creative Cluster Initiative.

Every pupil in the school took part and thoroughly enjoyed the drumming, chanting, dancing, beats and rhythms that Patrick taught them.  Many of the staff said that it was the most inclusive activity that the pupils ever took part in.  Everyone left the school halla after their session with a smile on their faces.  

Thanks to the  Creative Cluster Initiative for funding this outstanding workshop and thanks to 

Patrick Naughton for facilitating it.

Up grading of our Multi-Sensory Room Equipment

New equipment has been fitted in our multi-sensory room and our pupils are enjoying it immensely. This is a quiet area and a space where some of our pupils sensory needs are met.

The new equipment is as follows:

Donation from Liscarroll NS staff to local First Responders Team

Instead of giving gifts to each other, staff made doantions and decided to support our local first responders as Anne Daly(Straff member) is a first responder with this group.

We collected 640 euro for the scheme.

Picture:  Anne Daly, Adam Tarrant, Ger Sheehan, Sinéad Ducey, pupils & Damien O'Connor.

Active Christmas 2023

We could not go on our Community Walk due to a yellow wind warning so we improvised and walked around our school walkway on the front and back yard.  All classes took part and enjoyed walking and running in the windy conditions.

This was followed by our 3rd - 6th class Soccer Tournament which was a great hit.  We were delighted to have Colin O'Brien who refereed this tournament.

Santa's Visit 

& Carol Service

We were thrilled to welcome Santa and his helpers to the school today.  All the pupils along with Liscarroll Playschool pupils visited him.  Every child got a selection box.

The pupils from 3rd - 6th then performed in a carol service for parents, grandparents and Santa.

The staff & management of the school would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas.

St Vincent De Paul Hampers

Well done to our staff and pupils for collecting enough food products to make up 13 hampers for the local St Vincent de Paul organisation.  


Liscarroll National School will host a fundraising 'BAKE SALE' on the night of the pageant in the OT hall in the school.

Please support.

Christmas Pageant

Our Junior infants, senior infants, first and second classes are busy practising for our Christmas Pageant 'Hosanna Rock' which will be held in St Joseph's church Liscarroll on Thursday, 7th December at 7pm.  Everyone welcome.

The Parents Association will hold a 'Bake Sale' in the school on the night.

See taster photos below of our pupils practising for the big performance.

I wonder who these angels are??

Animals in the crib keeping baby Jesus warm

Every girl needs some sparkle and glitter!!

Our royal visitors

Author's Visit to 5th Class

5th class were delighted to welcome local author Vincent McDonnell to talk about his novel 'Michael Collins - Most Wanted Man 'which they read last month. 

The children had complied a list of questions for the author and also showed him their individual projects on Google Classroom as well as their collaborative project on the notice board. 

He kindly gifted four of his books to the school, which the children are looking forward to reading. 

Well done to our Girls School Ladies Football team who played Ballygiblin in the Sciath na Scol final on Thursday 9th November in Carrigoon.  The girls played very well in wet, cold conditions but unfortunately were runners up on the day.  The team gave it their all.  Their families and the school community are very proud of this talented bunch of girls.

THANK YOU for supporting our School Fundraiser

Liscarroll National School 'Auto Jumble and Dog Show' fundraiser was a huge success last Sunday, 5th November.  There were a number of classic and vintage cars, tractors etc.  There was also a Dog Show which was a great hit with everyone.  Mickey & Minnie Mouse were present on the day.  Novelties such as face painting, welly throwing, sponge throwing and guess how many balloons were in the tractor were busy stations.

A big thank you to Seán Bradley & his team(organisers), the PA and staff of Liscarroll NS for helping out on the day and to all the families that supported the event.  Thanks to all the sponsors of our raffle prizes and thanks top Shane & Lorraine Morrissey and Collette Sexton for their help and expertise at organising and running the dog show.

 A total of  4550 euro was raised on the day.

Click on photo carousels to see more pictures

Active Halloween in Liscarroll NS

 A big thank you to our Active School Committee for organising lots of activities to make this an Active Halloween for students and staff.  It was great fun. 

We had a Halloween Disco, a 'Witches & Wizards Walk' in our community and Halloween themed challenges and activities along our school walkway.

We also completed the Cork Schools Autumn Walking Challenge in association with Cork Sports Partnership.  In total over the past 4 weeks we walked a staggering total of 2926.1km collectively as a school.  

Well done to all involved.

Click on the photo to see more.

Fundraiser (1) (2)

We ask everyone to come and support 

Liscarroll NS

School Fundraiser 

Sunday 5th November 

at  Charleville Showgrounds

Dog Show 

 Novelty games 

Country Music

Tractors, Cars & Trucks on display

Dog show & novelties starting from 11.30am


for Hampers and many other fabulous prizes

Sincere thanks to John Bradley (organiser)

All hands on deck
in Junior and Senior Infants

It's been a busy start to the new school year in Mrs Roche's class with lots of fun and learning happening. We have been learning 'All About Me' and 'Our 5 Senses'.
We also had a visit from Ber our school traffic warden who explained all about crossing the road safely. Thank you for visiting us Ber! 

Donations Wanted

 If any families have working piano keyboards with plug in chargers, that they would like to donate to the school, we would be most grateful

New PE equipment

Big thank you to the Parents Association for their fundraising which allowed us to update our PE equipment for all students for our new school year.

Fáilte ar ais!

We look forward to welcoming our new Junior Infant students to Liscarroll NS Tuesday 29th of August.

We can't wait to see all our students return after the Summer and hear all the wonderful adventures they have had.

2023 - 2024 Stationery Lists

Please click on this link to access the stationery list for your child's class for September 2023.

School Calendar- 2023_24 - Liscarroll NS.pdf

School Calendar 2023-2024:

Please see the academic calendar for the next academic year here.

All students will return to school on Tuesday 29th of August 2023

Hurling Wall 

There was great excitement around the school this week with the arrival of the new hurling wall.  This is of great benefit to our own school, as well as the entire community.  Special thanks to Tim Brosnan for project managing.  


The school facilitates parents and children by making rooms available for activities outside of school hours conducted by private individuals who are Independent Contractors. These activities are not part of the school curriculum and are not regulated by the school which only provides facilities to enable these independent contractors and parents to make arrangements between themselves. Parents discharge any fees payable directly to the independent contractor who is responsible for all aspects of the service provided. Contractors have their own insurance. While the school makes every effort to facilitate all parties, neither the Board of Management of the school nor the trustees of the Parish can accept any liability whatsoever for any matter arising in connection with such activities or in neglect or default of any such independent contractor whatsoever.

5th Class School Tour

This year 5th class had their school tour in Kartworld in Watergrasshill. It was a huge hit! The children did a variety of activities including karting, sumo wrestling, archery, laser tag and team building games. As you can tell from the photos, a great day was had by all! 

Sciath na Scoil
Hurling Champions 2023

Huge congratulations to our school hurling team on winning the Sciath na Scoil hurling final on 8th of June.
Big thanks to the teachers and coaches involved in training this team but above all to the players themselves who played brilliantly and represented Liscarroll NS with pride.
We are all so proud of you.
Liscarroll Abú!

Inclusion Week

Children enjoyed a great week of fun and inclusion in May to celebrate inclusion week.  A special thanks to Cool Castles and Marquees who generously donated 2 bouncy castles to Lios Cúram.  See below for some photos.  Click here if you would like to see even more!

Green Schools Committee
Community CLean up

Friday 18th of May 2023 our Green Schools Committee organised a very successful community clean up.

Well done to all members of our school community for their hard work and enthusiasm while safely picking up litter and waste around the school grounds and throughout the village of Liscarroll.

Amber Flag Week 2023

In February, the school celebrated Amber Flag Week. The highlight of the week was a tree planted in honour of Jack de Bromhead. He was a great friend of one of our students. If you want to hear more about Amber Flag Week click here!

Kenya School Project 

We would like to thank all the pupils, families and staff at Liscarroll N.S. for the generous donations given to our very own Ms Sinéad Ducey for her and her Dad's volunteer work at the Kenya School Project.  Click here if you would like to read all about her trip to Kenya and about where all the donated items will be going.

Check out these photos - some are in Liscarroll and some are in Kenya!

A surprise for the students at Liscarroll NS

All the children got to enjoy some delicious chips recently thanks to Facecook.  Huge thanks to Lexie's Nana, Caroline Crowley for her generous gesture.  It was in gratitude of the wonderful performance by the children at the Peace Proms in Limerick.  Well done to all involved and a special mention to Christine O'Riordan for getting them all pitch perfect!

Junior Entrepreneur Programme 2022

The boys and girls in 6th class took part in this years Junior Entrepreneur Programme.  

They invested their own money and have learned many life skills in the process.

Well done to 6th class who raised € 1210 from their business venture Christmas Treat Boxes and wooden reindeer . 


Our school has a strong and consistent focus on the wellbeing of all pupils. The social and emotional needs of all pupils is a priority in Liscarroll NS : happy children, happy school. 

Our school adopts various strategies and initiatives to support wellbeing including: the Amber Flag, a robust SPHE plan, student council and social groups. 

