Christmas Hampers
Hi all
Well done to all pupils, parents and staff for donating to the Christmas Hampers in our school this year. The hampers were donated to St Vincent de Paul (Buttevant, Liscarroll and Churchtown) and Street Angels(Charity for the Homeless).They were collected today by volunteers from both charities. 13 hampers were donated to St. Vincent de Paul and 13 hampers were donated to Street Angels. The volunteers were delighted and thanked the whole school community for their support . They said that these hampers will make a huge difference to people who may be struggling over Christmas. Please see photo of a selection of the hampers. We know that this has been a challenging time for all families and we really appreciate your generosity and kindness in supporting these charities.
Derval Vaughan
Maureen Finn
November '21 Newsletter
Dear Parents
I would like to clarify for you the steps to be taken in the event of a positive Covid 19 case in your child’s class. These steps are in line with the new HSE guidelines announced last week and are subject to change as HSE guidelines change. This process comes into effect on Monday 29th November.
However, in our school, management has decided that if parents inform us, we will inform the class and pod prior to 29th November. This decision has been made based on rising numbers of Covid 19. Please note once again, this information could change based on HSE advice.
These are the steps
When a parent receives a detected/positive PCR, Covid 19 test result on their child, they should notify the school principal immediately.
The school principal will inform the parents of the children in the class by text that there is a positive case in their room
The parents of the children in the Pod of the confirmed case will be contacted by phone, that they are a close contact of a Covid 19 case. The name of the case or any other details will not be shared.
These parents will be offered the opportunity to order antigen tests from the distribution company (from November 29th). No information on this to date.
The antigen test will be posted to the parents of the children
Parents carry out the antigen test on the day they receive it and every second day until three tests have been done
The children in the class can continue to attend school as long as they remain asymptomatic and their antigen test results remain negative.
If a child’s antigen test indicates a positive result;
If an antigen test is positive, the child isolates at home and the child’s parent/guardian logs onto the HSE to request a PCR test.
If a child develops symptoms of Covid 19;
If at any stage a child becomes symptomatic, they should isolate at home and organise a Covid 19 PCR test if indicated.
We have been advised by the Department of Education that further information will be provided by the HSE next week.
Thank you for your co-operation,
Derval Vaughan
September '21 Newsletter
We welcome everybody back to school and we look forward to a positive year ahead. We extend a special welcome to all our new pupils.
The following are some items to note:
A Consent form for Accessing Google classroom and a consent form for school practices and procedures will be sent by link in an email to you in next fortnight. Please click on link and fill out form and click submit. A reminder text will be sent out when this email is being sent to you.
Reminder any outstanding balances for book rental or photocopying can be paid on Aladdin Connect . Any issues just phone the office.
The Allianz Personal Accident Insurance forms will be sent out next week and a payment link will be set up on Aladdin Connect to correspond with this.
The First Communion will be held on Saturday October 2nd at 11am.
If any of your child/rens details have changed e.g address, contact details, please contact the school so they can be updated
The Play school on the school grounds of the are now taking bookings for ECCE and NCS. Contact details :, mobile 0872364459
For health and safety reasons we ask you to note
please use the one way system for dropping off and collecting from school i.e coming up via Old Walls and going past Collins Garage .
Also please do not park on the bus parking spaces as they are specifically for dropping off pupils from our ASD classes at school opening times and closing times . We appreciate your continued cooperation with this.
Please note guidance on Covid -19 from HSE as of 30/8/2021
Infection prevention and Control Measures:
1) Before attending school:
Symptoms - Please make sure all staff and families are aware not to attend school if they have any symptoms of Covid-19 infection. Symptom profiles are available from the HSE website by clicking here and we do advise parents to read them and to take a precautionary approach, particularly for children less able to articulate their symptoms, that if they seem unwell, to observe them at home and contact their GP as appropriate. We know from our experience that where people had been symptomatic in educational facilities, that was where we identified more close contacts with Covid-19.
Close contacts - Please remind all staff and children that if they have been told by the HSE services that they are a close contact of a case of Covid-19, they need to restrict their movements at home and will be offered testing, as soon as possible after they have been identified and then at day 10. Once they are asymptomatic and have received their ‘not detected’ test result from day 10 test, they can stop restricting their movements and return to school. However, if they are fully vaccinated, they will be contacted by the HSE, their vaccination status will be determined and they will be informed that they no longer need to restrict their movements and will not be referred for testing. In this case, close contacts (staff or students) are able to attend school. It is important that anyone who would have been a close contact, are very aware of their symptoms, and isolate and undergo testing should they develop any symptoms. If anyone tests positive for Covid-19, then they are managed as a case of Covid-19. Note where a close contact of a positive case is identified, the siblings of these close contacts do not require routine exclusion and therefore siblings can still attend school, unless they have also been determined by the HSE to be a close contact.
Our Chairperson and Parish Priest Fr Robin Morrissey is leaving Liscarroll/ Churchtown and moving to take charge of the parish of Castletownroche / Ballyhooly. We are very thankful and appreciative of all the work and support he has given to Liscarroll school over the years. We wish him well in his new parish.
County Photos will visit the school to take class and individual photos on 22nd September 2021. Covid safety measures will be adhered to.
To conclude, If you need to talk to a teacher or talk to me, please ring or email to make an appointment via online or outside in our seating area if free.
Yours sincerely
Derval Vaughan
Dear Parents ,
It has been a busy term in Liscarroll NS. There have been lots of things happening and we have battled our way through Covid -19 and the restrictions that it has brought with it . Thanks to everyone for being so cooperative and supportive in managing this.
Many thanks to all who supported our Christmas draw. New novels will be bought in the New Year for classes from the money raised.
School closes on Wednesday 22nd at 12pm .
To facilitate the staggered closing time:
Lios Curam pupils will go home at 11.40
Pupils with surnames from A-G will go home at 11.50 pm
Pupils with surnames from H-N will go home at 11.55 pm
Pupils with surnames from 0-Z will go home at 12.00 pm
The Christmas recordings that classes have done instead of face to face concerts/plays etc have been so lovely and children have had great fun doing them. These will be sent out to you via Google classroom/email from your child’s class teacher.
Thanks to our Parents Association for organising the Christmas cards this year. This money will help subsidise swimming and other events for the pupils in the New Year.
Thanks to our Board of Management for their continued guidance and support in running the school.
Thanks to all the staff of the school. As a new Principal the support and help given to me by the staff in Liscarroll over the past 12 months has been commendable.
A special thanks to Eamonn Collins and Adrian Boles for putting up all the lights outside the school . We are very grateful for all they do for Liscarroll school.
Thanks to our pupils who have been so good in managing the constraints and challenges of Covid -19. They are a credit to all the parents/guardians .
Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year
Derval Vaughan