Open night 2023
Open Night 2023
Liscarroll N.S. held our open night on the 23rd February 2023
The Third and Fourth class ukulele group provided entertainment followed by guided tours of the school given by the Fifth and Sixth class students. It was great to see all the Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Nanas and Grandads being shown around by our fabulous guides. We were delighted to meet all the Junior Infants starting next year.
In her Principal’s address, Derval Vaughan highlighted the core values of the school which include an emphasis on child-centred learning and a strong sense of community and fostering and nurturing respect for all in our school community .
In his Chairperson’s address, Tim Brosnan informed people about the new plans for the school and its surrounding area such as a covered play area and a hurling wall.
Louise O’Sullivan spoke on behalf of the Parent’s Association and encouraged all parents to join the P.A. Laura Overbury (Play school leader ) and Dorota (Creche Manager) let all the parents know of the services provided by the playschool and the creche.